Source code for dk.html.theme

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Attempt at defining themes from Python (probably better to do
   this elsewhere).

# pylint:disable=R0903,W0232
# R0903 Too few public methods
# W0232 class has no __init__ method

[docs]def mkpalette(_source, base, colorlist): "Convenience function to define a palette." base = '#%s' % base colorlist = ['#%s' % c for c in colorlist.split()] return [base] + colorlist #
nt_orange_gurl = mkpalette( "", 'f1a000', 'cc8800 a66f00 39a9bf aae6f2 b3f2ff 0d0d0d f2f2f2 000000') nt_orange_spro_mono = mkpalette( "", 'f1a000', 'efc777 efdbb3 9f7c35 4f3e1a b39559 d0bf9c')
[docs]class palette: """Color palettes from Colors are named with a lower case x in front of the nearest defined colorvalue. """
[docs] class LightSkyBlue2: LightSkyBlue2 = '#a4d3ee' xLightSlateGray = '#6f8ea1' xNavajoWhite2 = '#edd7a4' xLemonChiffon4 = '#a1896f' Gray7 = '#121212' Gray93 = '#ededed' get = ['#a4d3ee', '#6f8ea1', '#edd7a4', '#a1896f', '#121212', '#ededed']
[docs] class xForrestGreen: xForrestGreen = '#257b24' xLimeGreen = '#3cc73a' xOliveDrab4 = '#5f7a23' xYellowGreen = '#9ac73a' Gray52 = '#858585' Gray48 = '#7a7a7a' get = ['#257b24', '#3cc73a', '#5f7a23', '#9ac73a', '#858585', '#7a7a7a']